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If your name is not on the list please call Fr. Fermin ASAP   619 665-4081

Nancy Fernandez
Eymar Valencia
Mariana Hernandez
Javim Diaz
Veronica Herrera
Mia Herrera
Cristal Cardona
Katherine Martinez
Jonathan Martinez
Cristopher Martinez
Cassandra Balbuena
Luann Hijos
Aelyn Lopez
Alan Lopez
Javier Soto
Alisha Gonzalez
Aelich Gonzalez
Vanessa Mara
Samantha Araiza
Carlos Araiza

Fabio Navarro
Fernando Aviles Martinez
Cecilia Betzabel Aviles
Fernando Avisay Aviles
Kevin Flores

Practice the Following: 
Make a paper plate protector for your candle
                                        You:  * State your name clearly

Bishop: Be Sealed with the Holy Spirit    You: Amen
Bishop: The Lord Be with You  You: And With Your spirit


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 898 7536 3564
Passcode: 194181

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