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As is stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church "The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. the visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.."


Sacraments performed at Saint Jude's are valid catholic sacraments in accordance with the norms of the Catholic Church. 

Our Courses are 6 months long and the cyles are:  January - June & July - December 

Baptism  *   First Communion    *   Confirmation    *    Marriage    *    Reconciliation   *    Anointing   *  Holy Orders


Baptism is one the 3 sacaments of iniciation into Cristian Life.


In it we are born into a new life with God.  We die to sin and are born again into the grace of being children of God, brothers with Christ and coheirs of the Kingdom of heaven.  


Requirements for batism at our Parish:

1) Have not been baptized in any other church & under the age of 7*

2) Bring Original Birth Certificate of child to be baptized.  


3) Parents and Godparents will receive a class about the sacrament on the day of Baptism. 


4) We recommend that both Parents Godparents be of the same faith


5) Child must be registered at least a week before sacrament is to be administered.


Batism Date: 

Baptisms are held every first Sunday of the month at 11:00 am

If you require a date for baptism other than that offered at our Parish, please contract our office to check for availability.  

*  Any candidate over seven years old should prepare to receive both Baptism and First Communion.




First Communion

Class consists of basic Christian Education including prayers of the Church. 
Candidates must be at least 7 years old and able to read and write.  

Provide Original Baptism Certificate
Complete appplication at parish office. 

First Communion


This is an advanced course, it is suggested that candidates be able to express themselfs and be able to work in groups.  
In this course we will approach: Apologetics, History of the Catholic Church, Bible & Theology

Original Baptism Certicate
Original First Communion Certificate
Complete application at parish office

For more information about registering for class, visit us directly or contact us via website link


Matrimony is one of the most beautiful sacraments between two Christians.  
It is the act of giving oneself to another, by free will, in the presence of God.  


We want to help you make this day memorable, for the rest of your lives. 



1) Must be 18 or Older

2) Baptized

3) If you have not done your Confirmation or First Communion, you may speak to the priest and make the appropriate arrangement to prepare for these sacraments.  

4) Candidates for marriage must complete and sign all documentation & verify that all information is provided is true and correct. 

5) A California Marrige license must be provided before the Ceremony, if you have been previously married by civil law, you must present your marrigae certificate. 6) Must attend Marrige Classes

7) Must attend a wedding rehearsal previous to day of ceremony


Anointing of the sick and Viaticum


This is offered to someone who is ill and in need of prayer for the healing of the body and soul.  Often times when someone is in the hospital recovering from an illness or surgery this is when they most need the prayers of the community.  Anointing goes back to the time of the Apostles when the elders of the church would anoint the sick and pray for them

Hospital visits and Anointing should be scheduled during normal business hours by calling the church office at (562) 455-1112


Viático o Santos Oleos

This is the preparation for the journey to Heaven.  This is done when someone is in grave danger of pending death.  It is the opportunity to partake of the body of Christ and commend the spirit to our Heavenly Father.   When the person is unable to partake of the Eucharist, consecrated wine is also permissible. 

If there is an eminent danger of death, you may contact Fr. Fermin Melchor directly at 619 665-4081 If your loved one is in emminant danger of death you may call this number at any time of the day

There is no charge for these services.  if you wish to make a donation at a latter time to the church you may do so by mailing it in or using the donation link below.  This will allow us to continue our ministry. 




Confessions are held every Wednesday from 6 pm -7 pm.  Please check our calendar of events to make sure there are no scheduled changes.  

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